my story

With my firstborn, each day felt like a chaotic battlefield, filled with power struggles, endless negotiations, and the temptation to resort to traditional parenting methods of MY childhood—threats, punishments, and yelling—as I desperately sought to manage behaviors and create some semblance of order.
After years of feeling like I was constantly treading water, missing out on those precious moments with my child, and struggling to keep my own temper in check, I knew something had to change. I immersed myself in research, tapped into my background in counseling, and leaned on my role as a pastor.
It wasn't easy, but I was determined.

Today, the picture is strikingly different. I have genuine, heartfelt connections with my children. The days are filled with laughter, cooperation, and a deep sense of understanding between us.
There are no raised voices, threats, or punishments. My kids genuinely listen, not out of fear, but out of respect and trust.
How did I make this transformation? It's simple—I've taken the knowledge and experiences from my journey and channeled them into the framework I now share through The Whole Parent Method.
It's a positive parenting approach that truly works, providing actionable steps to help parents like you achieve lasting change.
I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can create a happier, healthier family dynamic, where you'll become a more peaceful, confident parent, and your children will develop into emotionally resilient individuals who cherish their bond with you.
I've been where you are, and I'm here to guide you toward the harmonious, loving family life you've always dreamed of. Welcome to Whole Parent Academy, where real change begins.

the fam